Oct 19, 2011

Buying special dresses for special occasions

Social norms and class barriers have altered considerably over the last 20 years and as a result people have consistently adopted a less rigid approach to dressing for special occasions. Now dressing down as opposed to dressing up is almost universally accepted across all strata of society in the UK. Up to the onset of the 1970s dressing for occasions was incredibly defined, perhaps even regimental with exact attire expected to be worn at certain society functions, regardless of whether or any other external 'excuses'. For example, how often did we see gentlemen sweltering in the posh seats at Wimbledon Tennis Tournaments wearing decidedly uncomfortable jackets and ties in the middle of July, alongside ladies in incredibly formal dresses with pinned on hats looking as though they wear about to pass out at any moment, just because society dictated their outfits?
Thankfully, dress rules have been relaxed in many social situations including at prestige sporting events, and now being comfortable in addition to looking smart are the important factors for modern clothing.Fashion Houston: 5 questions with Barbara Tfank. However, the relaxation of severe dress codes hasn't resulted in a total loss of elegance. People are just more inventive about constructing their own individual look.
With the spread of dressing down for almost any occasion it can be difficult to pinpoint a suitably 'posh' dress for the prom, a wedding or any other special occasion. Not because there aren't any to be found, but rather the complete opposite; it may be difficult to determine exactly what a suitable dress is for any of those occasions simply because of the availability of such a huge selection of different styles and colours!
There are many different styles for each occasion, such as for the prom; strapless or strappy dresses with or without taffeta all available in classic black, daring bright colours or even on-trend jungle print. Indeed, there is no need for any girl not to feel unique, individual and special and better still many quality high street dresses are available for under £100, at the same time looking much more expensive. Dresses for weddings are abundantly available with a huge choice to be found in any high street department store. Or, for a special evening out take your choice from a colourful selection of long or mid-length dresses. Indeed, whatever the occasion demands you'll find the perfect dress on the high street.

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